Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Sex in advertising

Commercial 1:

The product that is being sold in this commercial is a brand of coffee called Carte Noir. The target audience for the commercial is probably middle- to high class adults, both men and women, through the age of 18-40.

The message in the commercial could be that drinking this coffee makes you feel well and also sexy in the way that a person of the opposite gender will want you and that you could theoretically get that person if you would want to, that is the obvious message anyway, if there is a deeper one it is very well hidden.

I don’t agree with that message since it’s very unreal, coffee doesn’t make you a different person.

I would say that the aspect of human sexuality in this commercial is emotional and physical because when the women is dreaming about the man they throw themselves at each other mostly based on their looks since they’ve only seen each other through a window.

It is a positive portrayal of sexuality since it shows that you can dream about another person that you think is attractive without actually facing them.

The woman in this commercial is drinking coffee and flirting with a man through the window at a building across the street. The man is doing the same thing which leads to that they daydream about each other. The man and the women are portrayed as equals so no one is in the foreground nor background in the commercial.
The two people are quite far away from each other but at the same time they are facing each other, this is probably meant to show that they are equals and thinking the same thing about one another.

The women are more active than the man since she is the one daydreaming about the guy but it might as well have been the other way around.

Commercial 2:

The product that is being sold in this commercial is Burn, an energy drink. The target audience here would be teenagers and young adults, both male and female.

The message is that when you drink Burn you feel more and see possibilities which you might not have seen if you hadn’t drunken Burn. The catchphrase is “Can you take the heat?”, and along with this commercial it gives a pretty obvious message which is hard to miss; that Burn is a powerful energy drink. I think it’s a good message, although it is a bit exaggerating.

There is some spiritual, emotional and physical sexuality portrayed in the commercial when the man in the commercial sees a man and a women all over each other in his head whilst drinking Burn.

It is a positive portrayal of sexuality since it’s all in good fun and neither a man nor a woman is dominant. Plus the sexuality in the commercial is going on inside a guy’s head so it is not to be taken very seriously.

Commercial 3:

The product in this commercial is also coffee but the brand is Nescafé. The target audience is adults in all ages and probably low-middle class people.

The not so underlying message is that when a girl makes a cup of Nescafé all the boys in the neighborhood will want to come visit. Or to put it more abstract everyone likes Nescafé when it’s made by a special person. It is a very stupid message which I don’t think anyone would agree with nor believe in.

It is a very physical aspect of sexuality that is portrayed and it’s not very positive since the girl is made out as easy and a tool.


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A different world: Children's perceptions of race and class in media

1200 children were a part of this survey, 300 from each race: African-american, Asian, Latino and White. The children says that the perfect TV show would have different cultures, different religions and different races in it. One of the surveys show that Latinos watch Music Videos more frequently then they watch sitcoms or cartoons.
Michael Jordan and Will Smith were listed as favorites by all four races. The races which are shown least on televison are Latinos and Asians. Latinos are also more likely to be portrayed in a negative manner on TV whilst White people are more likely to be shown in a positive manner.
White people have some stereotypical qualitys on televison which are that they have money, are well educated, are good leaders, they're doing well in school and are intelligent. The typical qualitys of minority groups are the opposite, they break the law, have a hard time financially, are lazy and act goofy.
African-amercian and Latinos are according to the children portrayed more negativley on the news than White people. A survey regarding newscasters and race show that the children thinks there are enough white newscasters but not enough African-amercians, Latinos nor Asian.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Questions and answers:

What are the economic implications of this decline in newspaper readership?

What changes in the economics is to where and to whom the money goes to. The newspaper doesn't get money from people buying the newpaper, they only get it from advertisements. This would not be profitable unless the fact were that the newspaper saves money when it comes to printing the newspaper and having less people working on it.

How have newspapers been affected by the creation of an online advertising industry?

The newspaper still get payed through advertisements so not much has changed there.

What effect has this had on the structure of newspapers? (hint: there are several answers to this question)

When it comes to a single article on the internet, the advertisements on that article can benefit alot if it is related to the article. So the newspaper and the advertisements benefit more if the online-newspaper focuses on each article individually.

How are online newspapers adapting to the rules of online marketing? What type of news stories generate the most/least amount of revenue?